Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Homesteaders' Delight!

What a surprise we got this morning....babies! Well, kids to be exact. Sox gave birth to 3 kids! Unfortunately one died within an hour or so. But the other 2 are doing fine. One of them is already having lunch!! L@@k!!

The other goats couldn't care less. All they think about is food.

JoJo tries to talk me out of a cookie.

Patches gets in on the act.

The hens are oblivious to the goats. But they sure give great eggs! Five Rhode Island reds on the top, Seven Feather-footed Cochins on the bottom.

Today we harvested corn and dug up the remaining potatoes. This is only about 25 ears of corn. We'll get the rest later. We figure we'll get about 100 ears of corn. It takes 3 ears to make a pint of canned corn. Look at the corn!

Here's Mr. Ronnie shucking corn.

Here's the cornfield where the delicious corn continues to grow.

Ahhhhhh.......the watermelons are growing!

And, as always, we take time to smell the roses. Even if we forget to weed them as we should.