Wednesday, March 4, 2009


I'm stimulating my personal economy again this year. I'm planting a garden that I hope will feed my family and me until harvest time next year.

Come along and let's track how well my "IRA" (In-ground Roto-tilled Allotment) performs compared with the ones that the banks sell. The banks are giving about a 3.5% return on the dollar. I think I can get at least 100% return on my investment. Here's how....

Today I bought seeds for my garden. Of course, my time is free, so I can't count that cost. But I do know how much one can of green beans costs so I can compare the cost of the green bean seeds and how many "can equivalents" I get in return.

Here's what my garden has cost so far:

Potatoes $6.00

Corn $4.50

English Peas $0.45

Okra $0.28

Butter Beans (Lima Beans) $0.50

Green Beans $0.68

I haven't bought the tomato plants yet or the bell pepper.

As I see it, I spent the equivalent of 8 cans of corn on the corn seed and 12# of potatoes on the seed potatoes. I should harvest about 120-150# of potatoes and the equivalent of 40 cans of corn...more or less.

The rest of the garden was $1.91...the equivalent of less than one can of each vegetable. The entire garden, so far, has totaled $12.41. I think I'll get much, much more than that back.

We'll see

More later......