he hopes is the last time this summer.
The last crop of the season (figs)
has been preserved. Here are fig preserves.
Bingo has received his last
"summer buzz" cut.
The Poke Berries are ripening. Poke Salat is a southern thing. The plant grows wild
along the side of the road. Although the whole plant is poisonous, the young leaves can be eaten after cooking them using two changes of water. In late summer, the beautiful magenta poke berries ripen. birds love the berries. The juice of the berries leaves a permanent stain. Back when people hung their clothes out on the line, birds decorated the laundry with magenta droppings.
And the ever-watchful Trudy,
our beautiful tortoise shell cat, is
amassing a lovely, thick winter coat.
Here on the homestead, I think we are ready for winter. We'll see. Homesteading means never leaving anything to chance. We are prepared.
More later.....